0230 and i haven't started my studying yet. BTW, today is the last day for classes!!
no more classes!!! and hello final exam~
RIGHT NOW only i'm listening KU BERJANJI KARNA CINTA like crazy * bila r anuar zain ni nk kawen??*
ON SATURDAY i've test for SPECTROSCOPY but until now i'm doing nothing. just looking at the big title ULTRAVIOLET SPECTROSCOPY..mlm jumaat ni ak sepatutnye bertakafur je dgn spectro ni tp! ermmm....
my studies is getting worst. i skipped alot of class this sem especially ORGANIC SYNTHESIS and SEPARATION *head ache*. the course assessments marks are damn low! ahaa..untuk menghiburkan hati yg luka lara i'll searching for my future analogue camera..LOMO!